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Why Demo a Document Management Software

Written by Kimberly Crespo | Aug 30, 2023 2:06:59 PM

A document management software system is a critical piece of your organization. It encourages organization, increased productivity, and a smoother workflow for everyone. As such, choosing a DMS is an important task that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Selecting the best document management software for your company requires research as well as a product demo. While it may be tempting to merely do some research and read other customers’ reviews before signing up for a new document management software, a demo of the product is a big part of the decision that shouldn’t be left off the list. 

What is a DMS Product Demo? 

A product demo is exactly what it sounds like - it’s when a company completes a demonstration of the product you’re interested in to show you how it works. A demo demonstrates the different features that the product has to offer, as well as the functionality that it can integrate into your organization. Demos can be conducted in person or online via a video demonstration or virtual meeting. But why are they so important in your decision-making process? 

5 Reasons to Do a Demo to Find the Best Document Management Software 

1. You can get hands-on. 

You can read as many articles as you want about document automation tools and the different DMS options available to you, but they pale in comparison to a live demonstration. A demo of the product allows you to see it in action and watch an actual person work through it. You’ll get a more in-depth understanding of how the product works as well as how you can utilize it in your organization, and you may discover features that you weren’t even aware of. A demo can help you further explore the product in real-time and choose the best document management software for your organization’s individual needs. 


2. You can ask questions. 

A demo is also a great time to ask questions about the DMS you’re considering and get real-time answers. You won’t have to transcribe your questions in an email and wait for a response; you can ask them face-to-face and get immediate answers, which may spur further questions on your end. In this respect, a demo for document automation software can actually save you time and frustration. 


Related: 6 Trends to Watch for in a DMS


3. You can give feedback. 

A product demo for document automation software also gives you the opportunity to give your feedback. Not only can you lend your opinions and thoughts on the product, but you can also point out areas where you find it lacking or where it may not support your organization’s needs. This can give the software provider a better idea of the best document management software for your company and where they should steer you next. 


4. You can find a solution that fits your needs exactly. 

As noted, you can provide feedback in a demo for a new DMS. This feedback allows the software provider to get a very clear-cut idea of what your company is looking for in their next document automation tool. If the software you’re exploring is not going to be a fit, they can point you to one that may be a better solution based on the feedback you give them during the demo. 


5. You build trust. 

Customer reviews are a good way to get an idea of whether or not the software provider is a company that you want to do business with. However, reviews aren’t everything. Doing a demo for a DMS allows you to get to know the company on a different level, interact with employees, and ask questions that can help you build trust in the relationship. 

Demo Your Next DMS With DigiDoc

Would you like to experience the power of our document management software? Join us for an interactive demonstration where you'll have the opportunity to delve into the system's robust features and intuitive interface. Get ready to take the next step in enhancing your document management efficiency by immersing yourself in a hands-on exploration of DigiDoc.