Blog | DigiDoc

How DMS Keeps Your Most Important Forms Available During Downtime

Written by Neill Cato | Aug 19, 2024 1:30:00 PM

In bustling healthcare facilities, access to patient information is crucial for delivering timely and effective care. However, like any digital system, Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems are not immune to downtime, whether planned or unplanned. To ensure continuity of care during these periods, having robust document management software (DMS) is essential. In this blog, we’ll explore how DMS keeps your healthcare facility operational during downtime by focusing on planned downtime, EHR downtime policy and procedures, and the availability of EMR downtime forms.

Planned Versus Unplanned Downtime

It’s important to make the distinction between downtime that’s planned and downtime that isn’t planned:


Planned Downtime

Planned downtime occurs when EHR systems are intentionally taken offline for maintenance, updates, or system improvements. While necessary for keeping systems running smoothly and securely, planned downtime can disrupt the workflow if not managed properly.


Unplanned Downtime

Unplanned downtime, on the other hand, happens unexpectedly due to technical failures, cyberattacks, or power outages. These incidents can be particularly challenging since they require immediate response to minimize disruptions and ensure patient safety and continuity of care.


The Role of DMS During Downtime

Document management software plays a critical role in maintaining operational efficiency during both planned and unplanned downtime. Here’s how:

  1. Ensures Access to Critical Forms
    During EHR downtime, whether planned or unplanned, access to essential forms, such as patient intake forms, consent forms, and treatment records, is essential. DMS allows healthcare facilities to store and manage these forms electronically, ensuring they are readily available even when the primary EHR system is down. In fact, DigiDoc provides continuous secure access to all forms and documents during downtime. By having EMR downtime forms accessible through DMS, healthcare professionals can continue their work without significant interruptions.
  2. Supports EHR Downtime Policies and Procedures
    Having well-defined EHR downtime policies and procedures is crucial for maintaining order during downtime. DMS supports these policies by providing a centralized repository for all downtime-related documents. Staff can quickly access EHR downtime procedures, checklists, and guidelines, ensuring everyone knows their roles and responsibilities during these periods. This organized approach minimizes confusion and enhances the facility's ability to manage downtime effectively.
  3. Streamlines EMR Downtime Procedures
    Effective EMR downtime procedures require seamless coordination among various departments. DMS facilitates this by enabling real-time sharing and updating of documents across the facility. For instance, if a downtime incident occurs, the IT department can quickly update procedures or provide new instructions, which can be instantly accessed by all relevant staff. This real-time capability ensures everyone is on the same page and can respond promptly and efficiently, facilitating crucial communication in an emergency.
  4. Maintains Compliance and Security
    Downtime does not exempt healthcare facilities from compliance with regulations such as HIPAA. DMS ensures all forms and documents remain secure and compliant during downtime. With features like access controls, audit trails, and encryption, DMS protects sensitive patient information, maintaining compliance even when the primary EHR system is offline.
  5. Facilitates Quick Recovery
    A swift recovery from downtime is crucial to minimizing its impact on patient care. DMS aids in this by providing a structured approach to document management. Once the EHR system is back online, DMS can seamlessly integrate with it, ensuring any data captured during downtime is accurately transferred and updated in the primary system. This smooth transition helps in quickly restoring full operational capabilities.

Related: Keeping EHR Downtime Down with Document Management Software


How to Implement DMS for Downtime Management

  1. Identify Critical Documents
    Determine which forms and documents are essential for your facility’s operations during downtime. This typically includes patient intake forms, consent forms, and treatment records.
  2. Develop and Document Downtime Procedures
    Create detailed EHR downtime policy and procedures, including specific steps for accessing and using DMS during downtime. Ensure these procedures are easily accessible through the DMS.
  3. Train Staff
    Conduct regular training sessions to familiarize staff with the use of DMS and downtime procedures. Ensure everyone knows how to access and utilize the system effectively during downtime.
  4. Regularly Update and Test
    Keep your downtime procedures and DMS updated. Regularly test your downtime response plans to identify and address any gaps or issues.

Related: How to Create a Downtime Readiness and Recovery Plan

DigiDoc Won’t Let Downtime Get You Down

Downtime, whether planned or unplanned, is an inevitable part of managing healthcare information systems. By leveraging document management software, healthcare facilities can ensure their most important forms and documents remain accessible, secure, and compliant during these periods. DMS supports effective EHR downtime policy and procedures, streamlines EMR downtime forms and procedures, and enhances overall communication and operational efficiency. Investing in a robust DMS not only prepares your facility for downtime, but also ensures continuous, high-quality patient care. Talk with us today about how a DMS like DigiDoc can help you handle downtime with ease.